الإثنين , فبراير 17 2025


best photo (2) Group of varieties

تصوير منتجات | أنواع التصوير شرح بالصور (2)

We continue to show the best photo of professional photographers and amateur photographers, which is characterized by creativity and innovation in photography and the way of taking a picture, and we present in this article a variety of categories were filmed in a marketing way. best photo Group of varieties …

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best photography (1) Freezing water movement

تصوير حركة الماء | أنواع التصوير شرح بالصور (1)

 Taking a very high-speed image leads to showing very small parts of the second. In these images, photographers took water droplets in an environment equipped with colored lighting and various effects, and provided tools to trigger the explosion of water. These images are natural images taken with the photographer Marcus …

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Types of photography

There are types of photography, depending on the subject of the photograph (such as photographing the nature or photographing people), the timing of the taking of the photograph (night photography), the location of the photograph (such as aerial photography and underwater photography) or the technique used in photography (such as …

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